Last night I spent a couple hours watching Polish television on Platforma. They have mostly clips on specific themes or topics but a few full shows. I particularly like the "Podróże" section ("Travels"). There was a full episode of Podróż (a travel channel) about Egypt and another showing a Klub Podróżnika ("Traveler's Club") in Kraków, where a guy was giving a presentation about his time in Kurdystan in Iraq. Very, very interesting! You can also find shows/clips on news, weather, cooking, film, music, games, etc..
Until now I've had a lot of trouble finding Polish television online. A friend of my pointed me to, where you can watch streaming live television from around the world, but I didn't have much success. Many of the channels don't work and I just couldn't find a time when anything good is on! By the time I'm home from work, its really late in Poland and there is mainly "adult programming." I watched news on the religious channel for a bit, but that was pretty much all.
While I mainly like to listen to audio books, there are people who swear by the tv method of language learning. Maybe it will help, maybe not. But it is fun! And on the occasion I feel like watching television, why not do it in Polish?