
Google Summer of Code

This just in!  I am mentoring in Google Summer of Code this year for the Dojo JavaScript Toolkit.  The student is Andrey Popelo, who describes his project in this blog post.  GSoC doesn't official kick off until May 26th.  I expect it will be an interesting experience!

Memorati revamp live! (and dijit.Dialog update)

Finally, the Memorati™ revamp is live! Now that the ground work is laid, expect lots of new community functionality! I'm also going to be begin setting up The Lingwo™ Project website so that I can begin separating the commercial and open source aspects of Memorati as I described earlier.

To follow-up on my dijit.Dialog comments (and here!), I ended-up abandoning my fork. I decided that the original positioning algorithm was acceptable, so my changes have simply boiled-down to:

// so I can use dialog.addChild(...)
dojo.extend(dijit.Dialog, dijit._Container.prototype);

// Called after first showing the dialog, to disable the ability to move it

dijit.Dialog: To fork or not to fork!

I've been redesigning the Memorati™ user interface to be based on pages and dialogs. Formerly it consisted of a collection of mutually exclusive pages (meaning no dialogs):

Screen shot of Memorati on Browse Cards page.

  • Browse Cards
  • Add Card
  • View Card
  • Quiz
  • Settings

These pages were all accessible at any time from a menu on the left sidebar.

In the new UI, what was formerly "Browse Cards" will become the "Dashboard" with links/buttons for all other functionality. All the rest except for "Quiz" will become dialogs (although, maybe "Quiz" should be a dialog too? Eh?).

HOWTO: Dojo Grid, Checkbox Selection

In the next release of Memorati™, I am going to use the new Dojo Grid widget. One of the problems I had, is that the grid does selection the way desktop grids do:

  • Clicking the row selects it.
  • Clicking while holding the shift or ctrl key selects multiple rows.

This is fine! But it isn't what users of web applications expect. They are accustomed to selecting a row by clicking a checkbox in the left-most column, like in Gmail.

In this article, I describe how I got the Dojo Grid to use a checkbox for selection.

For simplicity sake, I am going to build off the example described in the Dojo Grids: Diving Deeper article by Bryan Forbes on the SitePen blog. Let's assume that your grid boiler plate looks like this:

var data = [
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