
Lately… Wikitools and URLs.

Lately I've been trying to get The Lingwo Project's website online.  Its been going good, but I've been churning on the wiki for awhile now.  I am using the wikitools and pearwiki_filter modules.  Mainly, I want each wiki page to only be referred to by a single URL but in my current scheme it gets numerous slight variations.  This morning I posted a "Feature Request" describing the problem in detail.

Memorati revamp live! (and dijit.Dialog update)

Finally, the Memorati™ revamp is live! Now that the ground work is laid, expect lots of new community functionality! I'm also going to be begin setting up The Lingwo™ Project website so that I can begin separating the commercial and open source aspects of Memorati as I described earlier.

To follow-up on my dijit.Dialog comments (and here!), I ended-up abandoning my fork. I decided that the original positioning algorithm was acceptable, so my changes have simply boiled-down to:

// so I can use dialog.addChild(...)
dojo.extend(dijit.Dialog, dijit._Container.prototype);

// Called after first showing the dialog, to disable the ability to move it

Ash Wednesday Update!

I haven't posted in awhile, I apologize! Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, however, I didn't make it to mass because we were hit with a massive blizzard. I walked home from work, partly because the buses stopped running and partly because I'm bad-ass. ;-) It was good exercise.

Here are my projects as of late:

  • Released POE::Component::MessageQueue version 0.1.8! I have to give most of the credit to Paul Driver who really did all the work this release. But its still exciting!
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